Krautrock 3 – The 3rd film of the Krautrock Trilogy

19 Jun

Jerome Froese and Johannes Schmoelling chat about how Michael Mann picked Tangerine Dream to score “Thief,” a major moment when their electronic vibes really hit the big screen.

Adele & Jose have produced five Romantic Warriors films on ’70s Canterbury bands, Rock in Opposition, and two on Krautrock, spotlighting Düsseldorf, Cologne, and Munich.

The 3rd film of the Krautrock Trilogy explores the influential Berlin’s rebellious music scene.

Dive into the Berlin School of music and xplore legends like Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze, Agitation Free, Michael Hoenig, Harald Grosskopf, and more in our film. 

Explore the journey of Hamburg’s prodigy Achim Reichel, and witness the birth of A.R. Machines.

Discover how British band Nektar achieved success in Germany and the US, and how Munich’s band Embryo revolutionized jazz-rock!

They’re wrapping up this film and could use your help!

Swing by their IndieGogo campaign to pitch in and help them share this awesome piece of music history.

Let’s make it happen together, every bit helps!

Join in now and let’s finish this film!

Help them get to 100 backers!

Check out this cool snippet from “Krautrock 3” doc!

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Posted by on June 19, 2024 in Uncategorized


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